Monday, February 15, 2010

Health assumptions from Ectomorphs (Slim people)


Since I have started mentoring in fitness, its been observed that people who are ECTOMORPHS (people with long rectangular, flat chested and slender on hips with no defined waist) usually assume they are FIT.

Such people underestimate excercise for not being Obese, but remember FAT percentage can be more even if they look ectomorphs.
My friends this thoughts can be harmful, basically such people have high BMR, so whatever they eat they burn. Most of the times these people are genetically gifted.
Nature is making you old everyday and we need to combat ageing process and improve functionality strength.
Excercise is equally necessary for ECTOMORPHS as its mandatory for ENDOMORPHS (Obese people).

->Ectos should engage in resistance training not more than 3 times per week and should avoid over training at any cost.
->This body type needs to limit high intensity cardiovascular training, like swiming, running etc, instead focus on mass building movements that hit major muscle group and deep muscle fibers like squats, dead lifts and presses which provide excellent muscle building stimulus.
-> Ectos should consume enough calories (high carbs and moderate protein) to balance their weight training caloric expenditure.

So, ECTOS please pull up your socks, stop running, swiming and lift the weights before its too late.

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