Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Endorphin, makes a change in your life..!

Endorphins, what are they?
Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally. Exercise also releases adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine, these chemicals work together to make you feel good.

Most of the time you must have come across yourself taking a break while facing any exams (students especially) or you must have seen people taking off from exercise if they seem very busy. What surprises me is people don’t find 25-30 mins of time for workout in 24hrs for themselves and later keep complaining of obesity and joint problems.

I would like to emphasis on exercise more when you require it most, well you are required to do exercise everyday but it helps more during your exams or any particular stress period. Endorphin is the hormone which gets released when you do exercise and helps you to concentrate more in your studies, so 30 mins of fitness during exams or during any festival where you require more energy is must with no option to think on it.

Cortisol hormone is stress hormone or which causes major damage to internal systems, Endorphins counteract it.

Physical exercise helps to counteract the withdrawal, inactivity and feelings of hopelessness that characterize depression. Studies show that both aerobic and anaerobic exercise (exercise which does not require oxygen, such as weightlifting, sprinting) has anti-depressive effects.
So students, IT professionals (who think they are busy:-)) make yourself aware of the facts about some reality and get engaged for 30 mins with fitness program to perform much better (academics or professional work) than you could ever perform.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chief Guest - Prize Distribution (Woodland Club house Sports day)

Was honoured as a Chief Guest along with Mrs Talawlikar (Chatrapati award winner) who also is representing India for common wealth games in Delhi.

Speach on Sports and Fitness, how important is fitness for Sports.

Prize distribution giving medals for all games including Badmintion, TT, Swiming, Cricket, basket ball etc at Woodlands Sports Club

Friday, September 3, 2010

Six Packs are made in Kitchen..!!

The old age is true; your quest to present a chiseled, fine tuned physique all begins with your diet and supplementation – easily the backbone of flat stomach.
First, assess your current diet, start removing all junk food, essentially all empty calories that you gorge on simply to gratify your taste buds. Stick to fundamentals, which are lean protein, low-glycemic carbs and healthy fats. Covering of our muscle cell is made up of proteins and healthy fats so don’t miss protein and essential fats in every meal, which gives your cellular nutrition.

You will want to structure your diet around high quality protein that have all amino acids you need to build muscle, such as chicken, fish, egg whites and whey. Veggies have limited option but they have no choice but to depend on milk and milk products, cottage cheese and whey for first class proteins.

The essential Six for SIX:

Eating six meals a day is critical and crucial. Meals which are equally spaced also helps to increase metabolism, which eventually helps to reduce body fat. Splitting your usual carbs intake among six meals or more a day results in greater muscle glycogen, which leads to more muscle growth and less body fat.

For instance, if you are eating 360gms of carbs a day, spaced evenly between 3 meals, this equates 120gms of carbs per meal and some will be stored as fat.
Now if you are eating six or more meals, your carbs increment are lowered to 60 gms per meal, which reduces chance of fat storage and leaves more carbohydrate for muscle glycogen.

Essential training for SIX:

After having understood about diet, training can be key for SIX, training which includes all compound movements like dead lifts, squats etc just can’t be ignored for SIX.
To shred of body fat legs can’t be ignored, if worked on big muscle groups like quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, back, chest, body burns more calories at rest, means your BMR revs up. Increase in BMR leads to FAT loss, so eventually six packs are visible which everyone have (mostly covered by Body FAT).
Remember crunches are not a secret for six packs, they only strengthen rectus abdominals, doesn’t help to reduce FAT on stomach.

At last after following above instruction and taking deep sleep of 7-8 hrs, SIX can be achieved in less than six months.

So guys stop curling arms, girls stop doing crunches and cardio and get to compound and functional movements, moreover pay attention to what you eat, to change the way you look...!!